This site is for students enrolled in PHO 2357.001 (M/W 2;00p -4:50p) Basic Photography during the Spring Semester of 2022. Students should check this blog every day during the semester for updates on assignments, etc.
This is the main way I will be communicating with you, along with emails and D2L.
Attendance on the first day of class!
On Wednesday, January 12, 2022 @ 11:00 am will be our first class meeting. Please meet me at the Mac Lab in the Wathena Temple Fine Art Building, second floor. You don't want to miss the first day of class. There is a lot of material to cover, first assignment will be given, so please be on time, prepared to take notes and to stay awhile.
Not attending that first day could count against your attendance grade.
If there are any questions, please contact me via my email.
Here is the link to our Syllabus.
I’m looking forward to a fun and very productive semester.